Frequently asked questions

Refer to the sign-up process page in this guide.

On their iPhone or Android Smartphone:​

  • Searching in iTunes or Google Play "Costco Pharmacy" to download and install the mobile application;

  • Patients can download the Costco mobile application (full functionality) at the pharmacy website ( using a web browser on their phone.

On the Web:

  • Go to # to sign up.

At a Pharmacy:

  • A pharmacy technician can sign patients up for text messaging at any pharmacy by following the sign-up process detailed here.

If your patient received several refill reminders at the same time, they should respond with a unique text for each prescription, using only the indicated letter or number for that script refill. For instance, if they got three refill reminders, instructing them to respond with 1, 2, and 3 to refill, they should respond by typing 1 and sending the text, then 2 and sending the text, and then 3 and sending the text.

The system will not place their refill orders if they send all the numbers or letters in one text.

Patients should try to respond within 5 days to a refill reminder. If a patient waits longer than that and then encounters an error when they reply, please ask them to manually send a refill request by texting the 7 digit Rx number on their prescription bottle to the pharmacy short code number.

Text-only patients

Text only patients can change their phone numbers by replying P or Pref to any text message from the pharmacy. They will receive a one-time link to a website. They can log into the website using their date of birth, and update their preferences.

They will be able to choose:

1) Whether their text message reminders show the drug name or show a masked prescription number (i.e. Rx XXXX123). 

2) What time zone they are in.

3) What time they receive reminders.

App or Web users

App or Web users can also change the above settings by logging in and navigating to Account.

  • Please log into the mobile site: #

  • Select "Account".

  • Make the required changes and click "Save".

Please request the patient to contact the pharmacy.

We're here to help

Our dedicated support staff are here to answer questions from pharmacy staff and customers.

Call us at (859)-353-0955
Or drop us a line at

We're available from 8AM - 7PM EST.